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Picture Updates

current mood: Happy Happy!

I am feeling much better today! I have been back on my meds which sucks a little bit, but what can you do... when you have skin infections, you have to go to the vet. I had a bacterial and a fungul infection on my skin because I kept itching so bad, that I was licking and biting myself. Anyways, I am back on my prednisone, and even though it makes me gain, weight at least I sleep comfortably and not bite and scratch.

So Richard gave me a bath today and boy does that feel good. I always pretend I hate going into the bath, but hey I come out feeling like a new doggie. My coat is nice and shiny and I don't have anymore little scabby sores, nor do I smell like a piece or rising dough. Karla and he also gave me my 4th full strength injection of antigen. I even got my dose of frontline flea meds. I got the works today... but boy do I feel good!

So anyways, I had some time and I thought I would upload pictures that I have neglected to get on the website. Not sure if I am going to ever get a chance to update the photo album, maybe someday… Ofoto has changed its name to KodakGallery. Aside from the name change there is really little different there. The links to Ofoto albums still work since the domain name forwards you on to KodakGallery. Nice!

Ok now for the photos:

Giosue & Karla
The Gomez Visit on March 5, 2005

Margarita & Fiancé
Margarita's Baby Shower (Cd. Juarez) March 18, 2005

Ivanna & the Bunny Cake.. yummm
Easter Lasagna withe Ivanna, Giosué & Claudia

Karla Belinda & Gabriela
Karla's 30th Birthday Celebration (Austin , TX) April 2 & 3, 2005

I hope you enjoyed the pictures... there should be more from Karla's get together tonight at Zen Bar & Grill for some Hip-Hop Dancing! Wish I could go, but beagles are not allowed...

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