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Kung Fu: Jet Li & Huo Yuanjia Connection

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Jet Li begins production on Huo Yuanjia biopic

This week, martial arts star Jet Li began shooting his latest movie, a biopic of legendary martial arts master and Chinese patriot Huo Yuanjia (1869-1910)...
In a recent Q&A session on his official site, Jet Li explained his intent. "I hope to use this film and character to let people understand what is really important and dear to my heart. I also want to explain once and for all the meaning of wushu and kungfu." Read more here...

Unleashed, Jet Li's latest movie opens in theaters on May 13th.

Just who is Huo Yuanjia? Generally credited with bringing Wu Shu Kung Fu to the forefront of Chinese Martial Arts he founded the Chin Woo Athletic Association.

Huo Yuanjia

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