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Movie Nights

   current mood: Happy Happy!

It's been a little while since last wrote, but here are some updates...

Karla and Richard have been going to the movies a lot (ok well twice, but when you're left at home alon it seems like a lot more), and they saw two really good ones.

On the 15th they saw:

Fever Pitch

Richard told me that it was really funny and had some great moments in it. It's quirky, and you'll laugh a lot.

Then on the 22nd they saw:

A Lot Like Love

Another funny movie, but not in the same sense as Fever Pitch. Even though the trailer leads you to think its a silly teen movie, its really much deeper than that, and much closer to a late 20-something movie. Richard & Karla highly recommend this one!

Anyways, there are some pictures coming soon, so keep watching the logs...

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