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New CD Reviews

   current mood: tired tired...

Yesterday, Richard bought some new CD's and after listening to them, I'd like to tell you what I thought about them...

Erasure's "Nightbird" is a great return to their early 80s synthy selves. Although it was a somewhat bittersweet release since Andy Bell also revealed that he had been living with HIV for years and was in pain, of which it is clearly heard in some of the lyrics of the songs of this new CD. So far my favorite song on the CD is their first release "Breathe", but I am sure I will come to find many others that I will find just as great!

The second CD is something that I had previously downloaded from a file sharing service, but was never truly happy with the quality. So I told Richard to buy me a real copy of "The Soundtrack to Not Another Teen Movie". This is a great CD with a lot of edgy alternative remakes of 80's classics. Definitely give this CD a listen to... better yet buy one!

Finally, the newest release from New Order "Waiting for the Sirens' Call" came out on Tuesday. That of course was the real reason behind the trip to Best Buy to buy the new CDs. This CD is so awesome! Great Synth & Guitar tracks as only New Order can deliver! Dancy and listenable at the same time! This CD is 5 stars! Get It!

All in all these CDs are great, otherwise I would not have suggested that Richard buy them in the first place!

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