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Pictures, pictures, pictures!!!

current mood: Nerdy Feeling Smart...

Pictures, pictures, pictures!!!

Karla's birthday dinner @ Nate's and dancing @ Zen Bar (April 9, 2005).

Christy's birthday dinner @ Teppo Yakatori (April 23, 2005).

La Despedida de Cristina y Rodrigo (April 29, 2005).


Kung Fu San Soo - History Research Update

   current mood: Nerdy Feeling Smart...

From Master Dale Lockwood:

I just received some updated research on our art. Please note that because of Chinese dialects, many terms and names can be confusing. Where you see Chen Shou Jue, this is the same person as Chin Siu Dek - our grandmaster (losifu) Jimmy H. Woo.

San Soo's history actually dates back over five thousands years. The term which means free hand was a personal expression of fighting ability and was passed through Families and at times by military and other groups, but never organized. In history we hear of General Yee's San Soo, which means his ability at fighting, there are other references from drawings in ancient caves to writings in ancient manuals.

The modern area really began about two thousand years ago, when monks were the first to organize and study/ teach in the Taoist Temples in the 72 peak area of China, and later in Buddhist Temples like Shaolin in Hunan province, China. This teaching spread to other area of China like the southern Shaolin temple in Fukian province. The Chen Family connections to Temples we have chronicled back over 1,400 years. in recent times the Chen Family became connected to Shaolin in the late 1700's through the Monk, Chen Yun Hu, there is another talked of Monk in our Lineage known as Leong Kick, This is under research, this Monk could be the same person or another relative perhaps connected to a Taoist Temple of another area. What is known that in the late 1700's Chinese Emperor Quin Long destroyed many Buddhist and Taoist temples and a Chen Family ancestor perhaps Leong Kick saved the training and
history Manuals that the monks recorded in the Temples.

What is known is that Chen Yun Hu taught his nephew Chen Xiang and who also was taught by Li You Shan and Cai Fu. So again it was being passed through the families in which all had ties to Monks and monasteries. Chen Xiang to honor his three teachers used the names of Cai and Li and to honor the monk Chun Yu and his family used the term Fu which means Buddha. Chen Xiang had many disciples some recorded, some not. he taught family among them his son Chen Guan Bo. Around this time in Taishan China, Chen Zhao Xiong was sent to Xinhui China to study with Chen Xiang and later Chen Guan Bo. In books from that time,
it is written that Chen Guan Bo changed the name of the young Chen to Chen Zhao Xiong which means Chen a billion hero's. Chen Zhao Xiong returned to Taishan and started a school called the Xiong Sheng Guan, ( Heroic victory school.) At a later date he taught his son Chen Shi Wu and our Laoshifu Chen Shou Jue at the Wen Wu Miao temple in Taishan,( Wen scholarly in honor of Confucius and Wu ( Martial. ) in honor of the Patron God of Martial Arts, Guan Yu or Di which means deity.)

Our Laoshifu Chen Shou Jue had five Uncles besides Chen Zhao Xiong who taught him, their names are under research. When Chen Shou Jue came to the U.S. he taught through the Tongs of Chinatown. Finally settling in L.A. being head of security for the Hop Sing Tong, ( He Sheng Tang, Mandarin, Meaning, Combined Victory Group.) Plus teaching Kung Fu and Lion Dancing. He opened to Westerners in 1962. He named his school San Soo Wu Guan ( fighting school.) and later explained the art comes from five families. Cailifoxiong, Mandarin, Choy Li Ho Fut Hung, Cantonese. Research on the other two families He and Xiong ( Ho, Hung.) Has lead us to Foshan China and two other groups the Hung Ga ( family.) group from the southern Shaolin Temple of Fukian and the Hong Sheng Guan
group of Foshan that for three generations was headed by the Ho or Haw in Taisanese families, originally from Taishan now Foshan, Guangdong China. This may be the two missing uncles of our lineage Ho And Hung.

There will be updates as we do more research.

Master Dale Lockwood
"The Most Effective Self Defense Training - ANYONE Can Learn!"™
10th Anniversary 1995-2005

Pretty cool stuff! Have you ever seen a beagle do kung fu? hehe...


Kung Fu: Jet Li & Huo Yuanjia Connection

   current mood: cool Cool...

Jet Li begins production on Huo Yuanjia biopic

This week, martial arts star Jet Li began shooting his latest movie, a biopic of legendary martial arts master and Chinese patriot Huo Yuanjia (1869-1910)...
In a recent Q&A session on his official site, Jet Li explained his intent. "I hope to use this film and character to let people understand what is really important and dear to my heart. I also want to explain once and for all the meaning of wushu and kungfu." Read more here...

Unleashed, Jet Li's latest movie opens in theaters on May 13th.

Just who is Huo Yuanjia? Generally credited with bringing Wu Shu Kung Fu to the forefront of Chinese Martial Arts he founded the Chin Woo Athletic Association.

Huo Yuanjia

New CD Reviews

   current mood: tired tired...

Yesterday, Richard bought some new CD's and after listening to them, I'd like to tell you what I thought about them...

Erasure's "Nightbird" is a great return to their early 80s synthy selves. Although it was a somewhat bittersweet release since Andy Bell also revealed that he had been living with HIV for years and was in pain, of which it is clearly heard in some of the lyrics of the songs of this new CD. So far my favorite song on the CD is their first release "Breathe", but I am sure I will come to find many others that I will find just as great!

The second CD is something that I had previously downloaded from a file sharing service, but was never truly happy with the quality. So I told Richard to buy me a real copy of "The Soundtrack to Not Another Teen Movie". This is a great CD with a lot of edgy alternative remakes of 80's classics. Definitely give this CD a listen to... better yet buy one!

Finally, the newest release from New Order "Waiting for the Sirens' Call" came out on Tuesday. That of course was the real reason behind the trip to Best Buy to buy the new CDs. This CD is so awesome! Great Synth & Guitar tracks as only New Order can deliver! Dancy and listenable at the same time! This CD is 5 stars! Get It!

All in all these CDs are great, otherwise I would not have suggested that Richard buy them in the first place!


St Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes

Here's a little something that will make you go hmmmm...

St Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes

I am not sure how much validity there is here, but when you couple it with the end of the world as predicted by the Mayans, you will really say hmmmmmmm...

The How and Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012 A.D.

Have fun reading... I may find more stuff on this subject and add it later...


Movie Nights

   current mood: Happy Happy!

It's been a little while since last wrote, but here are some updates...

Karla and Richard have been going to the movies a lot (ok well twice, but when you're left at home alon it seems like a lot more), and they saw two really good ones.

On the 15th they saw:

Fever Pitch

Richard told me that it was really funny and had some great moments in it. It's quirky, and you'll laugh a lot.

Then on the 22nd they saw:

A Lot Like Love

Another funny movie, but not in the same sense as Fever Pitch. Even though the trailer leads you to think its a silly teen movie, its really much deeper than that, and much closer to a late 20-something movie. Richard & Karla highly recommend this one!

Anyways, there are some pictures coming soon, so keep watching the logs...


Picture Updates

current mood: Happy Happy!

I am feeling much better today! I have been back on my meds which sucks a little bit, but what can you do... when you have skin infections, you have to go to the vet. I had a bacterial and a fungul infection on my skin because I kept itching so bad, that I was licking and biting myself. Anyways, I am back on my prednisone, and even though it makes me gain, weight at least I sleep comfortably and not bite and scratch.

So Richard gave me a bath today and boy does that feel good. I always pretend I hate going into the bath, but hey I come out feeling like a new doggie. My coat is nice and shiny and I don't have anymore little scabby sores, nor do I smell like a piece or rising dough. Karla and he also gave me my 4th full strength injection of antigen. I even got my dose of frontline flea meds. I got the works today... but boy do I feel good!

So anyways, I had some time and I thought I would upload pictures that I have neglected to get on the website. Not sure if I am going to ever get a chance to update the photo album, maybe someday… Ofoto has changed its name to KodakGallery. Aside from the name change there is really little different there. The links to Ofoto albums still work since the domain name forwards you on to KodakGallery. Nice!

Ok now for the photos:

Giosue & Karla
The Gomez Visit on March 5, 2005

Margarita & Fiancé
Margarita's Baby Shower (Cd. Juarez) March 18, 2005

Ivanna & the Bunny Cake.. yummm
Easter Lasagna withe Ivanna, Giosué & Claudia

Karla Belinda & Gabriela
Karla's 30th Birthday Celebration (Austin , TX) April 2 & 3, 2005

I hope you enjoyed the pictures... there should be more from Karla's get together tonight at Zen Bar & Grill for some Hip-Hop Dancing! Wish I could go, but beagles are not allowed...


Pope John Paul II, 1920 - 2005

current mood: sad Sad...

John Paul II
Pope John Paul II
1920 - 2005

Our love for him was only eclipsed by his love for us...
for his love was God's own!

John Paul II at rest

May God's grace grant us a new Pope who will continue your work seamlessly...

The Motorcycle Diaries

current mood: Introspective Introspective...

While Karla celebrates her birthday in Austin with the girls from school, Richard and I watched this very good movie:

This is truly a good movie. Don't miss it, you owe to yourself to know about the early life of Enesto "Ché" Guevara, and discover why he became the man he was...

Ernesto &quote;Ché&quote; Guevara

On another sad note, we are offering our prayers for the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. Its strange how he has touched our lives so profoundly and yet only now that he is departing the world that we feel the connection he has with us so strongly. May he be at peace and not suffering as he is follow his final path into Heaven.

Pope John Paul II