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René's Going-Away Party

current mood: Happy Happy!

We went to El Paso a couple of weeks ago to send René off properly. We arrived in the evening on Tursday and had some wonderful Mexican food. The food at the Prieto household is always the best! I just wish they would share more with their favorite beagle, but then again, I am on a diet.

On Friday, Karla, Richard & René went to Chico's Tacos and enjoyed a lot of taquitos!

Saturday was the party and it was a Great Party with a lot of family and friends to say farewell to "Renett". Suffice it to say that some people got a little tipsy! I won't mention any names since they had to report for duty in Georgia! I had a great time playing with Jude, a schnauzer that our buddy Jose owns. He was a lot of fun but had way more energy than I do. I need to get into shape to keep up with him.

Sunday and Monday were just relaxing days. Sunday night we watched Hitch.

It was actually a very good movie. The dancing is the best!

Karla, Richard & Pepa went to eat lunch at Villa Del Mar with the family. After that Steve came over to the house and then they went to check out the Shaolin Kung Fu school. Later we watched Ocean's Twelve.

I liked it. Not quite as engaging as Ocean's Eleven, but it was still fun! Julia playing Tess playing Julia was a funny touch.

Tuesday was sad as we had to leave. René and his dad left with us as they were driving through Dallas to Georgia.

As always, we had a great time in El Paso! Enjoy the pictures below.

René's Cake

Tio René

Jose, Rene & Freddy (Neighborhood Buddies all grown up)

The Happy Family

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