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It's over...

...and it all ended really well! I am talking about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

"Wow!" is really all I can say! J.K. Rowling is a master author. She never sold out her characters for a cheap ending, but rather embraced the difficulty of finding true resolution for the story.

If you have not read it yet, I won't give any spoilers here... do yourself a favor and read it!!!

I will miss Harry Hermoine & Ron, but not too much, after all I can always pull the books off the shelf and read them again. And I do intend to, as soon as Joaquin is old enough to understand, we can read them together.

I look forward to reading Jo's next stories, as I am sure she has many new characters and adventures to take us on.

Thank you Ms. Rowling for giving us 7 wonderful novels about a boy who lived!

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