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I'm Back!!!

It's been a while and I apologize for the long wait (to those of you who actually read this...) but I have been busy with helping out with Joaquin and such... having a new baby in the house can be a lot of work for those of us who live with him, but I am glad to say that we have finally got everything very close to being situated. For example, Joaquin is now sleeping in his own room (the nursery), which was converted from the guest room early last month and the office was combined into a new guest room (with much moving of furniture)

Hopefully we will soon have all of the left overs from the "old" office out of the garage and Richard can return to parking his MINI there. (right now it sits outside every night during the wonderful rains we have been receiving here in North Texas. It just keeps raining and raining and raining. Makes it hard to do the "duty" runs outside...

So anyways, I am going to try and make sure that this gets updated more often and with Richard's help, get some pictures uploaded to the Flickr site. there are lots of cute ones of Joaquin, I am certain you will just love them!

Also, I wanted to let everyone know I found the coolest news about an old Anime cartoon being made into a live action movie... its looks awesome...
Be sure to check it out! and check back here soon for more updates about me and my family!

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