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Working all night and then watching movies.

current mood: Tired Tired...

I am sleepy... I waited all night while Richard worked putting in one of the last pieces of code for his never ending project.

Anyways. We slept all day of and on, trying to catch up on our rest. Karla went shopping and enjoyed her day.

On Friday we watched Troy, and we really liked it. Again, the critics are often very harsh and decent movies. Brad Pitt is actually a very good actor, and it shows in this movie.

Yesterday, Claudia, Ernie, Ivanna & Giosué came over and we made Chico's Tacos. They were yummy, but very very filling. Actually, I was only allowed to eat a little of the cheese, but I know I would have loved to have some of the taquitos.

Today, in between napping, we saw the last of the 4 movies Richard rented last week: Hidalgo. It was really good. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I guess it was mostly the cinematography, but the story was very good too.

All in all, the movies we rented this past week were very enjoyable. It's been such a long time since we had seen anything, that when Richard goes to Blockbuster he has a great selection to choose from. Let's see what he gets tomorrow. I like watching movies with him.

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