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Our TIVO has broken down...

current mood: Sad Sad...

Well, it finally happened... the hard drive crashed on our TIVO. It sucks 'cause now we have no way of retrieving the stuff we has saved. In reality, the TIVO did not break; it was the hard drive that crashed…

Richard has been researching how to fix it himself, so we’ll see… He tried this place and so far it seems promising.

So in the mean time we have been watching DVDs and live TV… what the heck is the deal with those commercials? Oh well, at least it give Karla and Richard time to let me out… hehe.

By the way, on Saturday, Richard & Karla went to Café Italia with all of their friends to celebrate Richard’s birthday and Christy & Gordon’s engagement. Can you believe, they are engaged??!!? Wow, so cool, I still have not had a chance to congratulate them… soon though! I will be posting those pictures soon… its just hard to get time to use the PC when Karla needs it so much for school. C’est la vie, no?

Anyways, since Richard and I are relegated to watching Live TV and DVDs, we have opted to watch a few good ones… Last night we watched I, Robot and it was actually not bad.

Sometimes the critics are way too harsh on Will Smith. It was a fun movie with some great special effects and a good plot.

Tonight we saw Open Water. That was one messed up movie!!!

Sharks are not friends of beagles!!! I will not be diving any time soon… That movie made me afraid of the deep water! You may or may not enjoy this one, but if you like shark movies, watch it!

Ok, that is all for tonight, hopefully Richard can get somewhere with the TIVO hard drive tomorrow at work. He is going to try and recover anything he can… if not then it may be the entire unit, and if it is, well then I guess we may be without TIVO for a while. Karla will freak if that happens… she depends on TIVO to escape her school life for a couple of hours a day. Poor Karla…

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