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409,100 Personal Best - Bejewled 2

current mood: Nerdy Feeling Smart...

Richard's getting better at this game, but he still just an amateur:

Personal Best Score So Far at Bejeweled 2

Give it try on www.zone.com



current mood: Sad Triste...

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
love leaves a memory no one can steal.

Conchita & Karla, Thanksgiving 2004
Conchita Carbajal
December 8, 1900 - March 16, 2005


Religious Quiz

current mood: Praying Religious...

This is what Richard's upbringing and further reading on religion has lead him to be: (according to this quiz)



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com

The quiz is a bit contrived and doesn't truly qualify your true belief. Richard is ecumenical, meaning that there is a link between all religions that allows for all of us to be saved... including Beagles...wink


Pictures from Richard's 33rd

current mood: Impatient Impatient...

I know, I know... what is the deal with getting these pictures out??? I take forever to do it... I need to take some time and update the photo album too... we'll see when that happens. Anyways, here are the pictures from Richard's 33rd and Christy & Gordon's engagement dinner at Café Italia.

Richard's 33rd Birthdaylogansweblog's Richard's 33rd Birthday photoset


Working all night and then watching movies.

current mood: Tired Tired...

I am sleepy... I waited all night while Richard worked putting in one of the last pieces of code for his never ending project.

Anyways. We slept all day of and on, trying to catch up on our rest. Karla went shopping and enjoyed her day.

On Friday we watched Troy, and we really liked it. Again, the critics are often very harsh and decent movies. Brad Pitt is actually a very good actor, and it shows in this movie.

Yesterday, Claudia, Ernie, Ivanna & Giosué came over and we made Chico's Tacos. They were yummy, but very very filling. Actually, I was only allowed to eat a little of the cheese, but I know I would have loved to have some of the taquitos.

Today, in between napping, we saw the last of the 4 movies Richard rented last week: Hidalgo. It was really good. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I guess it was mostly the cinematography, but the story was very good too.

All in all, the movies we rented this past week were very enjoyable. It's been such a long time since we had seen anything, that when Richard goes to Blockbuster he has a great selection to choose from. Let's see what he gets tomorrow. I like watching movies with him.


Do you watch Lost too?

current mood: Pensive Pensive...

If you are as addicted to Lost as Richard and I are, then you will love this little tidbit about the last episode "Numbers"... it will make you think...

The Numbers

The numbers Hurley uses for his winning lottery are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42. The flight number that the survivors crashed on has two of those numbers - 815.

Numbers 2

If you add all the digits of the numbers plus Hurley's worth in america ($156 mil) 4+8+1+5+1+6+2+3+4+2+1+5+6=48 which is the same number of the original survivors on the island.

More with addition and subtraction

If you add up the numbers, 4+8+15+16+23+42=108, and subtract that from Hurley's net worth (156-108=48), again, it equals the number of survivors.

Numbers numbers numbers

Adding up 4+8+15+16+23 = 66 Add the digits of the PowerBall number 4+2=6 Also, read the Bible/Torah's Book of Numbers (4th book) 15 and 16 (Numbers <4> 8:15-16): 15 "After you have purified the Levites and presented them as a wave offering, they are to come to do their work at the Tent of Meeting. 16 They are the Israelites who are to be given wholly to me. I have taken them as my own in place of the firstborn, the first male offspring from every Israelite woman. The Levites were chosen by God to maintain the tabernacle in the middle of the wilderness and the different groups lived in tents surrounding it. Only the high priests were allowed to enter the tabernacle. People who were on the run for a crime could come to a Levite place for sanctuary and were spared. If they left, they could still be tried for their alleged crimes. However, once the high priest died, all of the people could leave and have their reputations restored. Could the hatch be a passage to a Pandora's Box or a Ark of the Covenant-type place?

16 as an overall number

Interesting how the transmission was picked up 16 years ago, but also how the lottery had not been won in 16 weeks...

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

8 & 15 ... 815 was the flight number of the place 4 people have been killed the french woman (chick) has been on the island for 16 years 42 survivors left what about the 23?

Numbers Numbers Numbers cont.

The passage from the Bible above also has something else of note: (Num 8:16) "I have taken them as my own in place of the firstborn, the first male offspring from every Israelite woman". This could be a reference to why they kidnapped Claire, i.e. in order to have her "firstborn" child.

Pandora's Box?

As Hurley's friend Leonard is being dragged away at the psychiatric ward, he yells out to Hurley that the numbers open "the box." He could have been referring to the box on the island, or maybe Pandora's box...

I didn't say it makes any sense, but its a fun read... Can't wait for the new episodes (starting with Episode 19: Deus Ex Machina) to start on April 15th.


Parrots as pets???

current mood: Nerdy Feeling Smart...

Not sure I like Parrots this much... I mean honestly all this one can do is talk... Beagle, on the other hand, can type! Wink

In any case, this parrot is funny...

MINI Cooper and the PC

current mood: Nerdy Feeling Smart...

Richard's gonna want one of these! MINI PC


Looks cool huh?


In The Shadows by The Rasmus

current mood: cool Rockin' Out!

My new favorite song is "In the Shadows" by The Rasmus Track 1 on the Dead Letter

It's just a really catchy little tune... just listen to it a few times and you will be wanting to get up and rock out!!

The Rasmus

Our TIVO has broken down...

current mood: Sad Sad...

Well, it finally happened... the hard drive crashed on our TIVO. It sucks 'cause now we have no way of retrieving the stuff we has saved. In reality, the TIVO did not break; it was the hard drive that crashed…

Richard has been researching how to fix it himself, so we’ll see… He tried this place and so far it seems promising.

So in the mean time we have been watching DVDs and live TV… what the heck is the deal with those commercials? Oh well, at least it give Karla and Richard time to let me out… hehe.

By the way, on Saturday, Richard & Karla went to Café Italia with all of their friends to celebrate Richard’s birthday and Christy & Gordon’s engagement. Can you believe, they are engaged??!!? Wow, so cool, I still have not had a chance to congratulate them… soon though! I will be posting those pictures soon… its just hard to get time to use the PC when Karla needs it so much for school. C’est la vie, no?

Anyways, since Richard and I are relegated to watching Live TV and DVDs, we have opted to watch a few good ones… Last night we watched I, Robot and it was actually not bad.

Sometimes the critics are way too harsh on Will Smith. It was a fun movie with some great special effects and a good plot.

Tonight we saw Open Water. That was one messed up movie!!!

Sharks are not friends of beagles!!! I will not be diving any time soon… That movie made me afraid of the deep water! You may or may not enjoy this one, but if you like shark movies, watch it!

Ok, that is all for tonight, hopefully Richard can get somewhere with the TIVO hard drive tomorrow at work. He is going to try and recover anything he can… if not then it may be the entire unit, and if it is, well then I guess we may be without TIVO for a while. Karla will freak if that happens… she depends on TIVO to escape her school life for a couple of hours a day. Poor Karla…