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Valentine's Weekend & Rental Movies

current mood: sleepy... sleepy...

I know I know... where are the pictures from the Groundhog's Day party??? I am just lazy to upload... besides, yesterday I had no time since I had a "spa day". OK, actually I was taken to the groomers and I fought like heck when they tried to clip my front nails... I hate when they do that!

Anyways, this weekend was nice and relaxing. On Friday Karla and Richard left me alone to rest while they went to Philip and René’s party. I am sure they enjoyed themselves, but they did get home kind of early. In any case they did not take the camera cause I still have not downloaded the pictures… hehe whoops!

Saturday was even more relaxing. Richard rented three movies and we got to see one of them while Karla studied, AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (Widescreen Edition). It was actually better than I thought it would be. If you like action and alien blood and guts that is…

Then I was left alone again as Karla & Richard went on their Valentine's Dinner out to Boi Na Braza

Boi Na Braza Gauchos

I wish I had gone with them, all that delicious meat! Yummy! If y'all ever come to visit, this is the place to go!

The next movie was Van Helsing (Widescreen Edition). Again, much better than the critics had led us to believe, especially Kate Beckinsale!!! Wow she is really hot!

Kate Beckinsale as Anna Valerious - Click Here to Enlarge

Finally, we all saw Shall We Dance (Widescreen Edition) last night for Valentine’s Day. Karla made Beef Stroganoff, and even I got to eat a noodle. Shall We Dance was a decent movie. It is very much a girl/date movie, but not so intolerable that Richard and I couldn’t watch it. They opened up the bottle and had a couple of glasses of wine that Berenice & Memo got them from Napa. It was really good; from the Guenoc Winery.

All in all it was a great weekend relaxing. Somehow, in-between the movies and wine and parties, Richard managed to start redoing the guest bathroom. He painted it and added new furniture and fixtures. It still needs more décor, and how it turns out remains to be seen, but so far so good.

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