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"Habla Con Ella" and other movies

current mood: Sleepy Sleepy!

We just finished wacthing a movie called Talk to Her (Hable con Ella).

If you like Pedro Almódovar, you will enjoy this movie as it has many of the characteristics that make his movies funny, touching and very strange at the same time. It will definitely leave you in a thought provoking mood. Its worth watching for sure even if you haven’t seen an Almódovar movie before. The soundtrack was really good as well! I think Richard should get it so I can add it to his iPod.

Also, last evening Karla and Richard went to see The Wedding Date.

A romatic comedy that Karla really wanted to see. Not a bad movie, but you may want to wait until video unless you are really a big Debra Messing fan.

Oh yeah, On Friday we all saw Ray (Widescreen Edition)

Now that was an excellent movie! Richard had bought when it first came out on DVD a while back, but with Karla's busy schedule, it wasn't until 2 days ago that we all sat down to watch it! The music is incredible and we all learned about just what an unbelievable life that Ray Charles led. Such a wonderful movie. I am torn as to who I think deserves to win best actor now. Jamie Foxx was awesome and seemingly born for the role of Ray Charles, but on the other hand, Leonardo DiCaprio was so awesome in The Aviator. Its going to be a close one at the oscars this year... wow its next week already.

Ok I am heading to sleep now... I will publish the uploaded pictures from the Groundhog's Day party tomorrow... I promise.

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