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Kowtown Beagles

current mood: Smiley Happy

Ever wonder where I was born? I only bring up the topic because this coming weekend there is a beagle family reunion where I was born. I am quite depressed that I am going to have to miss it, but Karla and Richard already made plans to go to a wedding, and there simply isn't enough time to do everything. I hope they have it again next year as I would dearly love to see my relatives.

Oh, so sorry, I digress... anyways... I am originally from a breeder in Granbury, TX. Just south of Fort Worth and next to Lake Granbury... the place is called
Kowtown Beagles.

I have often wondered what it would have been like to have grown up being a show beagle. Of course my overbite has always prevented me from that, but heck.. braces are expensive. C'est la vie, no? Anyways, I love my family, and would not trade them for the world!

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