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Its been rumored that I died...

current mood: Confused Huh?!?!

To dispel what someone (who shall remain nameless) has suggested, I am alive and well and working hard at keeping my blog going... I am also trying to lose weight, but its a tough job sometimes... especially when I love to walk more than Richard and Karla do. In any case I do have more energy and have been a bit more rambunctious.

The pictures you will see do not necessarily show how much weight I have lost, in fact I still look really chubby in them, but we all feel that I have lost weight.

Ok, on to the proof that I am still alive:

I know, I know.. I look fat... Piggy

You see... I do run!!!

Anyways, you can see the rest of the pictures and also the picture of the new blinds that Richard & Karla put up in the dining room last Saturday... enjoy!

The Dining Room & Loganlogansweblog's The Dining Room & Logan photoset

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