logansweblog. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr


Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire (Updates)

current mood: Woohoo WOO HOO!!!

The Dark Mark has been spotted:
The Dark Mark

Download links for 'Goblet of Fire' trailer
Right click and "Save Target As..." to download. From Warner Bros.:

Real Player:
Windows Media Player:

Great Stuff!!! -- Thanks to MuggleNet.com


Touring The Angel 2005/2006

current mood: Cool Cool...

Depeche Mode has announced North American Tour dates! Check this link to find out when they will be close to you.

depeche mode

They will be in Dallas:
Tue, November 8th, 2005
Dallas, TX
American Airlines Center

On Sale: To be announced shortly
Opening Act: The Bravery
Order Details: www - To be announced shortly
phone - n/a

Stay tuned for more info or register at ticketmaster or depechemode.com


Great News!

current mood: Awesome Awesome!!!

Got the following from Master Dale this morning:

Hi all,

Many of you know KUNG FU SAN SOO of Texas was nominated for the H.E.B. Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year award. Last evening, Kathy and I attended the annual black tie awards event and are thrilled to report that WE WON!

We, means all of us.

The most significant component of this year's criteria was 'positive impact on the community and it's people'. Our impact was recognized.

My most heartfelt thanks go out to the three groups who made this happen. First, the teaching and operations team. You make the difference. Next, the students. Your loyalty and commitment are the reason that we are able to make the positive impact that we do. And finally, all of the families who support the students, the school and our mission to provide the most comprehensive, real-world personal protection skills for our Martial Arts, Special Needs, Legal Services and Professional Services customers throughout North Texas, and beyond.

To each and every one of you, I again say, thanks, and encourage you to remain an active part of our mission to improve the quality of lives - one person at a time.

See you in class!

Master Dale Lockwood
"The Most Effective Self Defense
Training - ANYONE Can Learn!"™
2005 HEB Small Business of the Year

I think this is really cool for the Lockwoods who do so much to make this school a success, and for the students who learn so much from Masters Dale & Darien and from all the instructors and each other!

If you are interested in learning self-defense, this is the place to go!!!



current mood: Cheering WOOHOO!!!

Its about time!!!!

Coast Guard admiral assumes Katrina relief responsibilities

Rich people say the stupidest things!!!

current mood: angry Angry!!!

Stuff like this just really makes me mad!!! No wonder there were revolutions against the aristocracies of old...

Barbara Bush on Hurricane Katrina Refugees

September 08, 2005

Barbara Bush on Hurricane Katrina Refugees
It is, without doubt, the quote of the hour — a remark attributed to ex-first lady and mother-of-the-president Barbara Bush during a visit to the Hurricane Katrina refugee shelter in the Houston Astrodome:

What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.

Some folks are loathe to believe she actually said this. As one reader wrote, "I would like to see the transcript, hear the video, see something other than this [email] to confirm what Barbara Bush reportedly said. I find this difficult to believe, as she is a compassionate and caring person and was a wonderful first lady (regardless of opinions about her husband or son)."

The fact is, she did say it during a question-and-answer session with a reporter for "Marketplace," a program aired on National Public Radio. Audio recordings of both the finished segment and the original, unedited interview are available online.

In fairness, the comment was extracted from a lengthier exchange in which Mrs. Bush did express compassion for the Katrina refugees she had encountered, but that hasn't stopped critics of the Bush administration from comparing it to Marie Antoinette's alleged response to the plight of the poor on the eve of the French Revolution: "If they have no bread, let them eat cake."

White House press secretary Scott McClellan defended Barbara Bush's comments thus: "I think that the observation is based on someone or some people that were talking to her that were in need of a lot of assistance, people that have gone through a lot of trauma and been through a very difficult and trying time. And all of a sudden, they are now getting great help in the state of Texas from some of the shelters."

Poll: Do you think Barbara Bush's remarks about Katrina refugees were insensitive? 1) Yes 2) No 3) Not sure

This whole thing just is very upsetting to say the least... And to top it off, they guy that was put into power for FEMA (Michael Brown) may have padded his resume! I think he needs to step out of the way, or Bush should fire him and let someone who can do the job get it done!!! Also, since he works "directly" for the president as he has stated when asked to resign, then Bush should be held responsibile! In any case, there needs to be a strong democrat to point this things out. My vote would be for Barack Obama!

Heck, if you can try to impeach a president for having sex in the white house, why can't you impeach a president for letting thousands of poor people die??? Which is worse?

Ok, ok.. this beagle is getting off of his soapbox...


Its been rumored that I died...

current mood: Confused Huh?!?!

To dispel what someone (who shall remain nameless) has suggested, I am alive and well and working hard at keeping my blog going... I am also trying to lose weight, but its a tough job sometimes... especially when I love to walk more than Richard and Karla do. In any case I do have more energy and have been a bit more rambunctious.

The pictures you will see do not necessarily show how much weight I have lost, in fact I still look really chubby in them, but we all feel that I have lost weight.

Ok, on to the proof that I am still alive:

I know, I know.. I look fat... Piggy

You see... I do run!!!

Anyways, you can see the rest of the pictures and also the picture of the new blinds that Richard & Karla put up in the dining room last Saturday... enjoy!

The Dining Room & Loganlogansweblog's The Dining Room & Logan photoset