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Kung Fu San Soo Graduation

current mood: Cool Cool!

Its been a while since I have written, and a few things have happened, but you know sometimes a beagle gets busy and takes a break from the computer. I'll go into detail in another entry on how I was left at a gross kennel. But anyways... I digress...

On June 25th, Richard received his green belt in Kung Fu San Soo. Karla took some great pictures from the workout before the graduation and the demos during the ceremony.

Here they are:

Working out with Steve
Working out with Steve before graduation

Elbowing Steve in the jaw!
Elbowing Steve in the jaw!

Larry and Richard working out
Larry and Richard working out...

Larry takes Richard down!
Larry takes Richard down!

Jamie & Richard begin their demo
Jamie & Richard begin their demo...

Jamie knocks Richard down!
Jamie knocks Richard down!

Richard grabs ahold of Jamie...
Richard grabs ahold of Jamie...

Richard flips Jamie over!
and flips him over!

Jamie twists Richard's neck!
Jamie twists Richard's neck...

...lifting him off the ground
...lifting him off the ground

Richard's steps through Jamie!
Richard's steps through Jamie...

and Jamie goes down!
and Jamie goes down!

Master Dale, Richard & Master Darian
Master Dale, Richard & Master Darian

Richard with his graduation certificate & his new green belt!
Richard with his graduation certificate & his new green belt!

Summer 2005 Graduation group
Summer 2005 Graduation group

Click Below to View Entire Photo Set:
Kung Fu Summer Graduationlogansweblog's Kung Fu Summer Graduation photoset

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