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Pictures from Colorodo Springs & The USAFA Graduation

current mood: Happy Happy...

Ok, here are the uploads from Colorado Springs and the graduation... enjoy...

Gaby & René making drinks at Dr. Leo's House on Memorial Day
Gaby and Renett making drinks

After the Parade, the familia with the soon to be Officer Prieto
Familia Prieto

The newly commissioned Officer Prieto with Angie and her sister
Squadron 14 Commissioning Ceremony

The Class of 2005 and the Thunderbirds in perfect unison!
USAFA 2005 Graduation

René & the Mariachis - party at the Academy Hotel
René's Graduation Party

The Broadmoor Hotel & Resort in beautiful Colorado Springs...I know they let beagles stay there!!!
The Broadmoor Hotel

Top Row: Naz, Natalia, Richard, Javier, Renétt, René, Dr. Leo
Bottom Row: Karla, Pepa, Alma, Minerva

The Broadmoor Hotel

Karla & Richard had a great time celebrating the great event with the family. Colorado Springs is a truly beautiful place.

Me? I got to stay with my tios Claudia & Ernie and my primos Ivanna, Gio, Jackie & Mushu. Thanks for watching over me... and I am sorry I ate the wipee and crayon. Love Ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It was great having you stay with us, and don't worry about the wipee and crayon, we have a million of both. Ivanna Luz and Giosué enjoyed playing with you and I liked the fact that you baby-sat Ivanna Luz for a while each day.

We love you Buddy!!

Tia Claudia