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iFrame working and finally the pictures from Groundhog's Day!

   current mood: Nerdy Feeling Smart...

Looks like I got past the JavaScript tag issue I kept hitting in trying to post to blogger. Buttheads would not let me use the cool script I wrote to put the music I was listening to on the page. But I fixed it with a nifty little iFrame call. Nothing too fancy, but it gets the job done. Now you can hear what I hear while I am writing these posts.

Ok finally, here are the pictures I have been promising.. enjoy!

William's Square Album
Of course Ivanna Luz stars in this album!

Groundhog's Day Party Album
This is before anyone got Drunk...

Cartoon Lolly & Erik
And this is what they look like when they are drunk...
Just a lil Photoshop fun...

Okie Dokes... my work here is done for the night... see ya soon! And don't be afraid to leave comments

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