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Thansgiving photos...

current mood: yawn.gif Bored...

I finally had a chance to upload the pictures from Thanksgiving in El Paso.

I have been really lazy about it, but mostly it’s been because my allergies are just so bad. I spend more time biting my paws until they bleed. I just can't help myself. I have an appointment with a dermatologist in January, but I had to give up my drugs. (No not those kind of drugs) I was taking steroids (corticosteroids) and that was helping suppress my itching. Unfortunately, to get a good reading on the allergy test, I have to be off the steroids for 1 month, off anti-histamines for 3 weeks, and off topical creams for 1 week. Man I am going to be a little raw beagle by the day I get to got to dermatologist.

Anyways, El Paso was fun. I got to see all my extended family and play with other doggies, including another beagle named Heidi. (No! she is not my girlfriend… hehe).

Well, I will go ahead and post the pictures so you can see:

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