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New Pictures!

current mood: Sleepy Sleepy...

Gaby & Constantine
Gaby got herself a pic with a semi-celeb... "I think I love you... so what am I so afraid of..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Rich,

I saw all these pics last night on Flkr! Sometimes it's a good thing that you are 3 hours ahead of us cause I am awake when you are posting things in the wee morning hours. :-) Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I loved all the pics and you guys look great. I love Karla's belly - it's the cutest thing in the world! Say Hi to her and Logan...speaking of Logan, we all LOVED the pics of him staring at himself in the mirror, especially Raul! Logan is just so adorable...uh, I mean Handsome! LOL! Love you & miss you, Glo