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How do you feel about Snowmen?

current mood: hmmmm hmmm...

What do you think about this?

Snowman Jeezy

One of the hottest-selling T-shirts around the country shows a simply drawn snowman with a menacing expression.

It's not Frosty's evil twin. The image popularized by drug-dealer-turned-rapper Young Jeezy symbolizes those who sell a white substance known on the street as snow: cocaine.

Anti-drug campaigners and education officials are alarmed, saying the T-shirt and others like it are part of sophisticated marketing campaigns using coded symbols for drug culture that parents and teachers are not likely to understand. Some schools are banning kids from wearing the snowman images.

"The snowman is made of white, grainy stuff like sugar," said 12-year-old seventh-grader Mailik Mason, standing next to his mother in a Manhattan store selling the snowman shirts. "It has to do with a certain drug, crack or coke."

Read more here

I guess every generation has something to piss of the adults...

seriously though, even if you know what it is, does banning it not just make the kids want it more. I think it is a great opportunity to sit your child down and talk to them about drugs and what "doing what the crowd does" says about them.

Good luck though, I remember all the anarchy signs from the skaters of my generation, and the schools trying to outlaw them... just made everyone want them!

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