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Review of "The Historian"

current mood: Nerdy Feeling Smart...

I don't usually let anyone else write here, but since Richard wanted to talk about this book he read, I am gonna let him...

I just finished reading "The Historian" by Elizabeth Kostova. It has been on the Best Seller list since it was first published, and although it is a definitely worthy of these numbers, it fell far short of my expectations. With the premise of revisiting the Dracula mythology and surrounding it with true historical facts of the real Vlad Tepeş, one would think that this book keep its reader turning the pages. However, Ms. Kostova, although keeping the facts interesting, does not mix in enough mystery and intrigue (much less action) to keep those facts relevant to the story.

I will admit that as the book neared the ending, the crescendo started and the reading became easier. However the climax of the story was over so quick, one had to go back and read it again to make sure something important was not missed. The villains of the story are and should be vampires, but they hardly make any appearances leaving this reader slightly perplexed as to what I was reading.

I do like Ms. Kostova’s use of first person narratives in the form of letters and stories told to the main character, who is cleverly never named through-out the entire novel. Speculation will abound as to if this original literary device will follow over to the movie of which will be made by a yet as unnamed movie studio; how do you make a movie in which the lead character never has her name called out?

Overall, this novel can be called "3.5 Stars out of 5, Good" in the sense that each "letter" is a mini story in itself. As this is Elizabeth Kostova’s, I think she will only improve on her next effort.

Ok, so there you have it... Richard’s review of "The Historian". Please keep in mind that all blockquote items are the opinions of the quoted and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of this beagle…


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