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Martial Arts movies

current mood: tough Tough!!

You have got to see Ong-Bak - The Thai Warrior!!! This guy is awesome! You can tell he is well trained in martial arts, and although I have never been a big fan of Muay Thai, this will make you thik twice about fighting one of those guys... they sure are tough!!!

Tony Jaa is built like Bruce Lee, moves acrobatically like Jackie Chan and is as fast as Jet Li. He is by far my favorite movie martial artist now!

We also saw Kung Fu Hustle, and although it was a funny movie with a good story, I cannot see Stephen Chow as a true martial artists (although I know he would kick my butt), but more of an wire-line acrobat.

I would prefer to see him do a more realistic martial arts movie and then I would be able to better judge him on he skills compared to Tony Jaa. Most his movies are choreographed by the famed wire-line action director Woo-ping Yuen (of Matrix fame). So the action is fun, but overly done...

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