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Stephanie's 20 + 10 Birthday

current mood: Party Dog Party Time!!!Dancing Dog

Karla & Richard helped celebrate Steph's 20-10 birthday on Saturday! Fabian rented a Stretch Hummer and it was awesome! Lots of fun had by all!

Becky, Lisa & Steph in the Stretch Hummer (Talk about Suprised)!!!
Steph's 30th Birthday

Everyone at Steel!
Group Picture Steel

Fabian Stephanie & the tree of 30 deaths!
Fabian & Stephanie

Richard doing one of Dani's Jello Shots...and NO!! There was no "hard" bear in that one!
Richard doing a Jello Shot

Partyin' it up in the Stretch Hummer
Group shot in the hummer

It never fails...someone always spills...
Wet legs (Karla, Christy & Di!

Luckily, Philip is always there to make sure none of the
spilled alcohol goes to waste! That, and he likes toes!

Philip licking Di's foot

Thinking about trading in the Beamer!
Steph's a baller - shot caller!

Karla & Rich dancing the night away at the Drama Room!
Dancing & Drinking

Steph killing the bottle of Vodka before we leave!
(Hey, she can't let it go to waste, and Philip can't handle that much alcohol!)

Life is good at 30!

Stephanie's 20+10 Birthdaylogansweblog's Stephanie's 20+10 Birthday photoset

Looks like it was a blast! I stayed home of course and had no one to let me out! Sorry about that guys! You still love me right? Of course you do!

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