logansweblog. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr


Lake Travis 2005

current mood: Happy Happy!

This past weekend we drove down to Austin to help Gaby & Melissa celebrate their 28th birthdays! It was the 4th Annual Boat Party on Lake Travis! I stayed at Gaby's apartment resting from the drive while everyone else got on the boat!

Anyways, it was lots of fun, especially since Louie & Sonia came in from El Paso to participate in the festivities.

Gaby & Melissa - The Birthday Girls
The Birthday Girls

Getting ready to party on the boat!
The girls on the boat

4th Annual Boat Partylogansweblog's 4th Annual Boat Party photoset



current mood: Nerdy Feeling Smart...

I found a great place for Harry Potter fans by Harry Potter Fans... this is a great place for information and of course speculation on the next book in the series:

until Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


A Brief History of Time

current mood: Nerdy Feeling Smart...

In case you are feeling slightly brainy, as am I, you may like to read the book A Brief History of Time.

I personally would like it read to me, so am bugging Richard to get the Audiobook version for me.



Stephanie's 20 + 10 Birthday

current mood: Party Dog Party Time!!!Dancing Dog

Karla & Richard helped celebrate Steph's 20-10 birthday on Saturday! Fabian rented a Stretch Hummer and it was awesome! Lots of fun had by all!

Becky, Lisa & Steph in the Stretch Hummer (Talk about Suprised)!!!
Steph's 30th Birthday

Everyone at Steel!
Group Picture Steel

Fabian Stephanie & the tree of 30 deaths!
Fabian & Stephanie

Richard doing one of Dani's Jello Shots...and NO!! There was no "hard" bear in that one!
Richard doing a Jello Shot

Partyin' it up in the Stretch Hummer
Group shot in the hummer

It never fails...someone always spills...
Wet legs (Karla, Christy & Di!

Luckily, Philip is always there to make sure none of the
spilled alcohol goes to waste! That, and he likes toes!

Philip licking Di's foot

Thinking about trading in the Beamer!
Steph's a baller - shot caller!

Karla & Rich dancing the night away at the Drama Room!
Dancing & Drinking

Steph killing the bottle of Vodka before we leave!
(Hey, she can't let it go to waste, and Philip can't handle that much alcohol!)

Life is good at 30!

Stephanie's 20+10 Birthdaylogansweblog's Stephanie's 20+10 Birthday photoset

Looks like it was a blast! I stayed home of course and had no one to let me out! Sorry about that guys! You still love me right? Of course you do!

Pictures from Colorodo Springs & The USAFA Graduation

current mood: Happy Happy...

Ok, here are the uploads from Colorado Springs and the graduation... enjoy...

Gaby & René making drinks at Dr. Leo's House on Memorial Day
Gaby and Renett making drinks

After the Parade, the familia with the soon to be Officer Prieto
Familia Prieto

The newly commissioned Officer Prieto with Angie and her sister
Squadron 14 Commissioning Ceremony

The Class of 2005 and the Thunderbirds in perfect unison!
USAFA 2005 Graduation

René & the Mariachis - party at the Academy Hotel
René's Graduation Party

The Broadmoor Hotel & Resort in beautiful Colorado Springs...I know they let beagles stay there!!!
The Broadmoor Hotel

Top Row: Naz, Natalia, Richard, Javier, Renétt, René, Dr. Leo
Bottom Row: Karla, Pepa, Alma, Minerva

The Broadmoor Hotel

Karla & Richard had a great time celebrating the great event with the family. Colorado Springs is a truly beautiful place.

Me? I got to stay with my tios Claudia & Ernie and my primos Ivanna, Gio, Jackie & Mushu. Thanks for watching over me... and I am sorry I ate the wipee and crayon. Love Ya!



current mood: Coolizzle Coolizzle...

Can a beagle talk street??? check it out as Gizoogle tranlastes for me: Translated by Gizoogle


2nd Lt. René O. Prieto, Jr.

current mood: Proud Very Proud!

Congratulations to the newest 2nd Lt. of the United States Air Force: René O. Prieto, Jr., a 2005 graduate of the United State Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.

2nd Lt. René O. Prieto

Beagles are good in planes... take me up into the wild blue yonder!