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Upcoming Books

current mood: Happy Happy!

I am excited with the upcoming release of some new books in 2 series. One is the of course the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, which I have been a fan of for a few years now. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6) is due out July 16, 2005. I am strongly considering pre-ordering it:

Also there is another young adults series out (ok, ok, so I like to read kid's fiction... I am only 2 & 1/2, give me a break!) by a wonderful young author named Christopher Paolini who starting writing the first book, Eragon (Inheritance, Book 1), back when he was 15. Now at 19, he is set to release the next book, Eldest (Inheritance, Book 2); another one I may pre-order:

I am going to be following this entry with a review of some other books that Richard & I recently read, so stay tuned...

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