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iTunes 4.7.1 update issues

current mood: perplexed Perplexed!

After loading the new 4.7.1 update for iTunes last night, I did a quick sync with Richard's iPod. Unfortunately he let me know that he ran into some issues with the album art not being displayed while he was listening to it today.

Quickly I began to research (i.e.:google) the problem which can be traced directly back to updating the version for iTunes. Here is what I found:

from Mac In Touch Forums
posted by Don Andrachuk
Reader David Rosenthal's iPod photo, and mine as well, stopped displaying album art following the update of iTunes to version 4.7.1. I was able to restore that functionality by turning off "Display album art" in iTunes' iPod preferences, saving the setting, and allowing iTunes sufficient time to update the iPod.

When it was done, I re-enabled the option, saved the setting, and iTunes then proceeded to restore the album art to the iPod. The last step took quite a while as I have about 4,700 songs that have associated art. The iPod is functioning fine now.

Considering that Richard has over 7200 songs, we may just have to leave it synching for about 30 minutes, but I think it will work and he will have his album art back right we do the above fix.

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