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Café Madrid & Claudia's Birthday

current mood: Monkeyish Monkeying Around

I have been ripping my entire CD collection (a lot of CD's) with iTunes, because I am set on getting an iPod. In fact last Friday, I almost bought one which I thought would have been a good deal from TechBargains.
I would have bought a 40 gig iPod with a 15% off coupon from Target/Amazon.com and saved $75.00. However, it was a good thing I waited. On Monday, Apple released the new 4th Generation iPods, which come with a price drop of $100.00 on the 40 gig. Anyways, I think I will wait until after my MINI comes in before I get it. In the meantime, I'll just keep ripping CD's.

On Friday last, we also went to Café Madrid & Martini Ranch. It was a fun evening with friends!

Café Madrid & Martini Ranch Ofoto Albums

On Saturday we went to celebrate Claudia's birthday at Tokyo One. Afterwards we went back to their house and swimming. Lot's of fun!

Tokyo One & Swimming Ofoto Album

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