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How do you feel about Snowmen?

current mood: hmmmm hmmm...

What do you think about this?

Snowman Jeezy

One of the hottest-selling T-shirts around the country shows a simply drawn snowman with a menacing expression.

It's not Frosty's evil twin. The image popularized by drug-dealer-turned-rapper Young Jeezy symbolizes those who sell a white substance known on the street as snow: cocaine.

Anti-drug campaigners and education officials are alarmed, saying the T-shirt and others like it are part of sophisticated marketing campaigns using coded symbols for drug culture that parents and teachers are not likely to understand. Some schools are banning kids from wearing the snowman images.

"The snowman is made of white, grainy stuff like sugar," said 12-year-old seventh-grader Mailik Mason, standing next to his mother in a Manhattan store selling the snowman shirts. "It has to do with a certain drug, crack or coke."

Read more here

I guess every generation has something to piss of the adults...

seriously though, even if you know what it is, does banning it not just make the kids want it more. I think it is a great opportunity to sit your child down and talk to them about drugs and what "doing what the crowd does" says about them.

Good luck though, I remember all the anarchy signs from the skaters of my generation, and the schools trying to outlaw them... just made everyone want them!

No More Tony's!!!

current mood: Dumb Dumb!!!

If you have ever been to Tony's Wine Warehouse, this is enough to make you feel dumb...

On an October evening, James Winkler works a crowd of some two dozen mostly young, attractive professionals. The group sits in rapt attention as he evangelizes for a substance that is as intimidating and inscrutable as it is coveted: wine. They laugh at his anecdotes, such as the one involving a customer who demands that her husband pour French wine over her body as she lies sprawled across a table in the buff. Champagne is poured.

"I think every woman in America should start off with a glass of champagne at about 6:30 in the morning," he insists. "I'm thinking two would be perfect, but I'll be satisfied with one. I think you'll be a better woman for it, you'll live longer, and I think your day would go much better."

Dark-haired and plump, Winkler is a class instructor at Tony's Wine Warehouse and Gourmet Restaurant on Oak Lawn Avenue. For years Tony's has chiseled a lucrative niche by donating wine classes to charity and loading them up with naïve connoisseur wannabes to taste 18-20 wines before leveling a sales pitch for offbeat wines at steep prices. How lucrative? Dun and Bradstreet Inc. estimates Tony's rakes in $1.7 million in annual sales from the 3,500-square-foot restaurant and retail shop. Owner Michel Monzain says actual revenues are much higher.

This deeply irks many longtime professionals in the Dallas wine trade. Tony's, they insist, butters its bread by dispensing instructional swill during class sessions--preying on participants' gullibility to justify inflated prices, often for wines well past their prime obtained mostly from distributor closeout lists. This sullies the whole wine trade, they say.

Exhibit One: The tasting sheet dispensed at the beginning of each wine class. "Tony's is a professional wine merchant specializing in wines from small boutique wineries," it reads. "These chemical-free wines mean no headaches, allergies or harmful reactions."

The message is unmistakable: Tony's wines are carefully selected to keep you free of hives, pulsing migraines, puffy eyes and other symptoms of rogue allergens. Or overindulgence, it turns out. Buy your wines at a grocer or a less careful merchant and the errant additives might wrack you with dry heaves or turn your bed into a whirling dervish.

Exhibit Two: Bizarre classroom oratory. "Rating systems and books written about wine are kind of silly to me," Winkler says to his class. "I've read them all, I've studied them all."

Talk quickly turns to oak.

Wine fermented and aged in French oak barrels tastes like mushrooms, Winkler says. Wine matured in American oak tastes like a campfire. The reason? In America, winery workers jump inside the barrels and scorch the sides to a thick char before they're filled with juice. In France, it all boils down to what the trees eat.

"The tree that produces this barrel grows up against every black and white truffle in the world," he explains. "When you cut this tree down, the tree has been feeding off these mushrooms for centuries. And when you cut the tree down, all of the oil that's in these truffles is inherently in this oak."

Hence, these barrels are expensive. Typically, a single 50-gallon French oak barrel costs between $35,000 and $65,000, Winkler says. Burnt American oak barrels carry a $30,000 price tag. Oak barrels coopered in Australia--produced from a French oak forest replica (Australia is the first country in the world to successfully replicate a French oak forest, according to Winkler)--cost roughly $40,000. This is why wines fermented and aged in oak aren't cheap. Presumably, it's also why Tony's wines aren't cheap.

None of this is true. Viticulture and enology scientists at the University of California, Davis, insist Tony's health claims are false--even libelous to high-volume wine producers. And while the flavors imparted by French and American oak barrels are distinct, they have nothing to do with mushrooms or burnt barrel staves. Actual oak barrel costs range in the hundreds--not tens of thousands--of dollars: roughly $700-$1,100 for French and $350-$550 for American.
Read more here

I think i'll just stick with this from now on: "if you like what you taste, then drink it, if you don't..." But, just be careful of where you buy from...

I like Chateau Wine Market!


A Teacher's Job Description

current mood: Nerdy Can't believe it...

Got this in an email from a friend:

After being interviewed by the school administration, the eager teaching prospect said:

"Let me see if I've got this right. You want me to go into that room with all those kids, and fill their every waking moment with a love for learning.

And I'm supposed to instill a sense of pride in their ethnicity, modify their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse and even censor their t-shirt messages and dress habits.

You want me to wage a war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, check their backpacks for weapons of mass destruction, and raise their self-esteem.

You want me to teach them patriotism, good citizenship, sportsmanship, fair play, how to register to vote, how to balance a check-book, and how to apply for a job.

I am to check their heads for lice, maintain a safe environment, recognize signs of anti-social behavior, offer advice, write letters of recommendation for student employment and scholarships, encourage respect for the cultural diversity of others, and oh, make sure that I give the girls in my class fifty percent of my attention.

My contract requires me to work on my own time after school, evenings and weekends grading papers.

Also, I must spend my summer vacation at my own expense working toward advance certification and a Masters degree.

And on my own time you want me to attend committee and faculty meetings, PTA meetings, and participate in staff development training.

I am to be a paragon of virtue, larger than life, such that my very presence will awe my students into being obedient and respectful of authority.

You want me to incorporate technology into the learning experience, monitor web sites, and relate personally with each student. That includes deciding who might be potentially dangerous and/or liable to commit a crime in school.

I am to make sure all students pass the mandatory state exams, even those who don't come to school regularly or complete any of their assignments.

Plus, I am to make sure that all of the students with handicaps get an equal education regardless of the extent of their mental or physical handicap.

And I am to communicate regularly with the parents by letter, telephone, newsletter and report card.

All of this I am to do with just a piece of chalk, a computer, a few books, a bulletin board, a big smile AND on a starting salary that qualifies my family for food stamps!

And to think that people actually accept this job offer, I think its high time teachers get a HUGE raise! But will it ever happen? It can if EVERYONE asks for it to happen!


What the heck is Puggle!?!?!?

current mood: Nerdy Huh?!?

Have you ever heard of a puggle? They are almost as cute as me

More information can be seen at www.dogbreedinfo.com... And although they are cute as puppies, they don't seem to stay as cute as adults... unlike Moi


The Addison WineFest 2005

current mood: Sleepy sleepy...

Saturday night, Karla and Richard went to the Addison winefest and drank and ate a lot! They said they had a grand time with all of their friends here in Dallas. The food was excellent... especially the lamb chops from DFWs Hyatt Regency Mister G's. I wanna try 'em! I know I would love 'em too!

Here are the highlight pictures:

Gordan, Christy & Karla

Richard, Karla & a stalker who not Ed!

Stephanie & Fabian

Diana, John & Jason's hand

John & Ed

Karla, Cathy, Laurie & Ed the stalker...

Too much wine makes you sleepy...

See the rest of the pics at:
(2005-11-05) Addison Winefestlogansweblog's (2005-11-05) Addison Winefest photoset

Let me know if you have trouble accessing the albums.


Thalia - Amar Sin Ser Amada

current mood: Dancing Dancing!

Thalia - Amar Sin Ser Amada

She is just HOT!!!


Harvard Mental Age Assessment

current mood: Laughing Laughing!

I thought this was funny, passed on from Grandma Anna!

Harvard Mental Age Assessment

The following was developed as a mental age assessment by the School of Psychiatry at Harvard University. Take your time and see if you can read each line aloud without a mistake.

The average person over 40 years of age cannot do it!

  1. This is this cat.

  2. This is is cat.

  3. This is how cat.

  4. This is to cat.

  5. This is keep cat.

  6. This is an cat.

  7. This is old cat.

  8. This is person cat.

  9. This is busy cat.

  10. This is for cat.

  11. This is forty cat.

  12. This is seconds cat.

Now go back and read the third word in each line from the top down and I betcha' you cannot resist passing it on.