logansweblog. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr


iPod Photo

current mood: Sleepy Sleepy...
playing now: The Lion King - Hakuna Matata Listen

It's here! The long awaited iPod Photo with 60 GB harddrive. That's 20,000 songs!

iPod Photo Home Page

Karla, I am certain this is what Richard wants for Christmas... He will be the happiest camper you have ever seen if he gets it! Although we may have to wait until after Christmas to get it for him, since the price is sure to drop after then. OK, time to crawl under the bed and get some sleep...


Kowtown Beagles

current mood: Smiley Happy

Ever wonder where I was born? I only bring up the topic because this coming weekend there is a beagle family reunion where I was born. I am quite depressed that I am going to have to miss it, but Karla and Richard already made plans to go to a wedding, and there simply isn't enough time to do everything. I hope they have it again next year as I would dearly love to see my relatives.

Oh, so sorry, I digress... anyways... I am originally from a breeder in Granbury, TX. Just south of Fort Worth and next to Lake Granbury... the place is called
Kowtown Beagles.

I have often wondered what it would have been like to have grown up being a show beagle. Of course my overbite has always prevented me from that, but heck.. braces are expensive. C'est la vie, no? Anyways, I love my family, and would not trade them for the world!


Addison WineFest

current mood: Sleepy Sleepy...
playing now: Savage Garden -
Two Beds and a Coffee Machine Listen

Karla & Richard went to the The Addison WineFest on Saturday night. They both said it was a blast! Lots of great food and good wine! Everyone drank a lot, and that may be an understatement when you see the pictures... enjoy:


Giosué's Photo Album Is Up!

current mood: Sleepy Sleepy...
playing now: Presuntos Implicados -
Mi Pequeño Tesoro Listen

Ofoto.com is back up! The pictures uploaded and ready for viewing! Click below to enjoy them!

Link to Ofoto.com Album


Welcome Giosué Luciano Gómez

current mood:  border=Happy Dance
playing now: Madonna - Till Death Do Us Part Listen

Yesterday Giosué Luciano Gómez was born! How exciting... now I am going to have two play partners when he & his big sister Ivanna Luz come over to play! Here are his details:

Giosué's Name Tag

If you're having a hard time reading that it says:

  • Time: 4:53PM
  • Weight: 6 lbs. 4 oz.
  • Length: 18"
  • Head: 13.5"
  • Chest: 12"

And here is one of his first portraits:


As soon as Ofoto.com is back up, I will get all the pictures uploaded so you can view them...
In the mean time, here is a little video (sorry about the poor quality... not enough server space for better stuff) Enjoy!


The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

current mood: Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo!!!
playing now: Taco - Putting on the Ritz Listen

The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Special Extended Edition)

Just announced, the release date for The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Special Extended Edition) is 12/14/04... Can't Wait!!!


Garden State

current mood: Peace Out Peace Out
playing now: Coldplay - Don't Panic Listen

Karla & Richard went to see "
Garden State" tonight. They both really enjoyed the movie! If you are a fan of Scrubs on NBC, you will recognize Zach Braff, who wrote, directed & starred in "Garden State". Its a great slice of real life, and it touches close to home in many places...

One of the best things about the movie is the soundtrack! Great choice of new and upcomming bands as well as rediscovering some great older bands!


iPod Stuff

current mood: Nerdy Nerdy
playing now: Maná - Angel De Amor Listen

I am researching some iPod sync software for Richard (his dream is to get an iPod from Karla for Christmas... me... I just want some more Scooby Snacks. Yummm!). Anyways, I found following links for some good software:

Anyone have experience with any of this stuff? Yeah, I know -- I'll just keep researching... what else am I gonna do? Take myself for a walk?


Kung Fu Promotion

current mood: Bring it bee-otch Bring it on bee-otch!
playing now: Juanes - La Camisa Negra

Can you believe, my master has actually been involved for something for 6 months?!?!? Wow! I am amazed myself, if only he would walk me every night for 6 months!

Anyways... here are some pictures from his promotion on September 25th. Pretty cool stuff! Especially the pictures of the awesome guys at the end!

I let Richard go ahead and use my template for his webpage... you know, if he pays attention to me, he may actually learn how to code HTML someday... hehe...


The New System Is Up!

current mood: Nerdy
playing now: Maná - No Ha Parado De Llover (MTV Unplugged) Listen

I just finished adding all the old weblog entries to the new system that I setup! I tell you, humans make things so hard on themselves. If only my master had asked me to do this in the first place it would have been much easier. I love this new system... what do y'all think? Let me know, you can add comments to each post. Pretty cool huh! Anyways, its been raining the last couple of days, and you know how I hate the water... especially bath time, but ever since Richard & Karla took me to the vet, I am supposed to get bathed (or showered) 3 times a week... sheesh... and I am taking 3 different pills up to 3 times a day... yuck... at least it gets wrapped in something nice for me (pupperronies... yummm!) Ok, I'll try to write more soon! Drop a line in the comments if it fancies ya!

A Whole New Web Log!

Hi I am Logan! I am going to be taking over the web log duties for the family. I'll tell you everything there is to know about what's going on with Karla & Richard and our friends and family! This is gonna be fun once it all is set-up correctly!