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Di's Birthday & Grapefest

current mood: Nerdy Nerdy
playing now: Ella Fitzgerald - Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye

Ripping some new CD's and decided to update the sight a bit...

On Friday the 10, we went to Ziziki's a greek eatery, (so very yummy!) to celebrate Diana's birthday! We had a great time eating and taking pictures... and since we had 3 bottles of wine there we decided to go across the patio to the wine bar (uggghhh... I can't remember the name...) but it was great that we got to buy wine in the shop and take it with us into the bar... they had super comfortable leather sofa's (as you will see in the pictures from Ed falling
asleep there...

Diana's Birthday

Of course the 11th was the Annual Grapevine GrapeFest! Good wine and good friends with lots of great festival food! Steak on a Stake, Chicken on a stick, Corn Dogs, Beerwursts! Yummmm!!! Which reminds me -- this Friday the 17th is Oktoberfest in Addison - MORE BEERWURSTS, and lots of BEER!! Anyways... maybe there will be pictures of that too, but in the meantime, here are the pictures from the GrapeFest!

2004 GrapeFest

...originally published by Richard


Labor Day @ The Gaylord Texan

current mood: Happy Happy
playing now: Anything Box - Blue Little Rose

Labor Day weekend was fun. We ate a lot (Sushi, Tapas, etc...). We went to the Gaylord Texan were we got to see the Mickeys! Celebrating Mickey: 75 InspEARations,and we got to take pictures with our favorites!

Celebrating Mickey: 75 InspEARations

...originally published by Richard


Visits from Central Texas

current mood: Having A Blast! Having Fun!
playing now: Martin L. Gore - Violence (Demo)

It's been a while since I have updated... lots of things happening so its hard to get time to write. It was fun having everyone over last weekend. Lots of eating and catching up. Here are the pictures... Enjoy!

Cantina Laredo Photo Album Tea Party & More Photo Album

...originally published by Richard