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Moving Gaby

current mood: Excited Excited

Today Spider-Man 2 opens! Woo-Hoo! Karla and I are going to see it after work! I am so excited!

Spider-Man 2 Official Movie Website

I also got a chance to upload the pictures from last weekend... enjoy!

Menudo at the Gomez' Moving Gaby Day #1 Moving Gaby Day #2

...originally posted by Richard


Kung Fu & The MINI Cooper S

current mood: Chatty Chatty

Talking on the phone with Mom & Glo... looking up prices for the trip to Washington D.C. We just got back from Austin helping Gaby move... lots of work but lots of fun... pictures to follow...

I found a cool Kung Fu San Soo website that give a little more history of and what Kung Fu San Soo is...

Also found a great website for MINI Cooper News called MotoringFile, with lots of news and information on the MINI Cooper S.

...originally posted by Richard


Di's Happy Hour / Ivanna Luz' Birthday / Father's Day

current mood: Sleepy Sleepy

Went to Di's going away happy hour tonight! We had fun eating sushi and drinking sake! I took some time today and uploaded the pictures from this past weekend at Ivanna Luz' Birthday Party and from Father's Day here at our house. Enjoy...

Ivanna Luz' Birthday Swimming Party Father's Day lunch at our place

...originally posted by Richard


Gaby's Boat Party

current mood: Beat Up

Back from working out at Kung Fu San Soo, it was a real good, but very hard workout. Had some time so I put up the 3rd Annual Boat Party picture albums... Enjoy!

Link to Photo Album of Cuba Libre in Austin Link to Photo Album of Boat Prep in the Early Morning Link to Photo Album of Boat Party '04 Link to Photo Album of the Day After the Boat Party

...originally posted by Richard


The Blog Archive

current mood: Nerdy Nerdy

Created a Blog Archive Page which will hold all of my web entries by year and month (can it really last that long???). Ok, so its really quite a nerdy thing to do, but hey... too bad.

...originally posted by Richard