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How to Make Chico's Tacos

Chico’s Style Tacos

Chico's Red Sauce


10 pods dried chile de arbol (seeds & stem removed)

1 can of whole tomatoes

1/2 raw white onion

2 garlic cloves

salt (to taste)

1 tsp oil



In a blender combine chile pods, tomato, onion and garlic

Use the same tomato can to add water

Liquefy for 2-4 minutes (or until all large chunks are gone)

Pour into a large saucepan add oil. Boil and reduce to simmer, adding water until you achieve the consistency that you desire (Chico’s can be watery). Simmer for 10 minutes and add salt to taste.

Chico’s Rolled Tacos

Note: You will need a deep fryer for this portion


Corn tortillas

½ pound ground beef

2 large potatoes

garlic powder

onion powder






Boil potatoes for 30-35 minutes, remove from water, peel and cube. Set aside

In a skillet with oil, brown ground beef and add spices. Add cubed potatoes slowly while mashing to maintain a smooth consistency. Optimally, you will want to end up with more beef than potatoes in your mixture, so you may need to hold back some of the potato cubes.

Corn tortillas must be at room temperature or they will break when you roll them. Place beef & potato mixture on the tortilla and roll using the toothpicks to hold in place.

Deep fry for about 5 minutes or until crispy. Set aside to drain off excess oil.

An order of Chico’s Style Tacos


Chico’s Red Sauce

Chico’s Rolled Tacos

1 block of Colby cheese, finely grated

(contrary to popular belief, Chico’s does not use government cheese)


In a serving boat, put 3 tacos, and sprinkle generously with cheese. Pour on a healthy serving of red sauce. Add any other condiments you like (salt, pepper, green chile) and Enjoy!

Serving boats can be purchased in bulk at Sam’s or Costco.

*DISCLAIMER: This recipe is not in anyway affiliated or authorized by Chico's Tacos.